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Remembering Her Story

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Theodora of Byzantine was the First Lady of Social Reform.  Her influence, so strong, the Emperor kept the harmony between Monophysites and the Christians



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Margaret Hamilton is the person who invented the software for Apollo 11 and the success of first Man on the Moon


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Rosalind Franklin was the person responsible for discovering the Double Helix, what we know today as our DNA.

Her story is the core principle in Re-Membering Sacred among Women/Girl Entrepenears of the 13Moons Global Market. So much has been lost in translation.  Some, possibly more then we will ever know, has ben denied and/or forgotten.  We cannot continue to remain silent through the suffering and brilliance in being Feminine.  We have prevailed, yet, there seems to be a yearning, a call to remember, retain and rejoice such extraordinary.  For example, the three power house women mentioned above:


Theodora was the first Social Architect, Wife of Justinian I (500 AD), innovator in creating the first social reform of our Modern World and the success of the Emperor of Byzantine.  Yet, so few truly know her noble deeds.  Historian's claim, the combination of her courage and decisiveness, within Theodora, is why Justinian's reign was the success of our first human civilization.  I discovered more accurate storytelling about Theodora in the BBC Documentary, "Divine Women" Now, out of curculation and irronically dissapeared.  This pains me to no end!  I need help in locating this Documentary.  If you know where I can find Divine Women-- Apreciate your help!


Rosalind Franklin was a Chemist and X-ray Crystallographer.  Franklin made contributions to the understanding of the molecular structures of DNA, RNA, viruses, coal, and graphite.   Most importantly, not noted or awared, for discovering the double helix, known to day as DNA.  More accurate storytelling about R Franklin here


Margaret Hamilton was a Scientest.  Hamilton invented the Apollo 11 software, over riding an overload to the system, 3 minutes before the world heard "One step for Man... One giant leap for Mankind."  Hamilton created the abport software, prioritizing informationso the Mission Apollo 11 could continue it's quest for the Moon.  More accurate storytelling on M. Hamilton here


We are scratching the surface and excivating the truth about extraordinary Women and HIstory.  The 13Moons Global Market is a Cyber Hostel of Her Story,  archives of yesterday, declarations of today and dreams for tomorrow's WEB-Women Expressing Brillliance.  


Join us in Curating the most Sacred Moving Art-- Wome




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